The Magento2 is introduced with a number of improvements in checkout process and changes to its visual appeal and general flow. With multiple Magento 2 extensions and themes, handling eCommerce platform is a better experience now. What’s more, a total overhaul mean it is now driven with KnockoutJS and Javascript.

It’s no secret that streamlining the checkout process is one of the most effective ways to reduce abandoned cart rate and increase conversion. But are you capitalizing on the technology tools to help streamline the experience you deliver? The checkout experience on the previous version of Magento was surely a lackluster. It was slow, and had too many steps – which ultimately lead to unhappy online buyers.

Thankfully, magento2 has worked on the checkout from the ground up – from technical point of view and in terms of the customer experience as well.

Let’s take a look at how to get maximum value from the Magento2 checkout.

Streamlined Process

The biggest improvement Magento has done in the Magento2 checkout is its reduced, two-step flow, which comes as standard for both luma and blank themes that come with the product.

Earlier in Magento, consumers were offered a default six-step accordion checkout process – which was quite tiresome and often reduced conversion rates due to its complexity. However, Magento2 comes with an improved checkout process, which is split out into two simple steps – shipping and payment.

The process further can be reduced to one-step with a Magento 2 extension.

Guest Checkout As Standard

What makes Magento2’s checkout process a smooth experience for the buyers is its ‘guest checkout standard.’ Magento2 assumes every visitor as a guest user, so the user is not presented with a default login or registration form before entering the checkout.

Instead, visitors are offered a simple form, asking for their shipping details and email address. If the email address matches with an existing account, the customer will be given the option to login, along with a forgotten password link – isn’t that impressive?

This is a great feature from a customer point of view. They can enjoy adding products to cart and then move to the checkout process without being forced to create an account. If they want to create an account, the option is available at the end of the process, reducing customer friction and improving the login process.

Collapsible Order Summary

Now, Magento offers floating ‘minicart’ on the right hand side of the screen, which is responsive and works amazing on the mobile devices as well. When clicked, the ‘minicart’ button takes you to the checkout.

The ‘minicart’ button provides a complete breakdown of the items your visitors have ordered with images, allowing visitors to toggle that order summary on and off to explore the information.

When expanded, it reveals total product information along with the quantity of each item.

Payment Method Integration

Another great improvement Magento2 brings with it is the ease with which custom payment methods can be integrated into the checkout. You’re offered a number of default payment options, including PayPal which comes with bundled with Magento2.

Unlike the previous version, different payment methods have been well thought out in Magento2, designed to support multiple payment methods. The feature allows online retailers to create their own payment modules. Payment method integration from a third-party is another great way to enjoy the multiple payment methods without worrying about your technical expertise.

Reducing Checkout Friction

Magento2 checkout is a great improvement over the Magento1.x version. This helps reduce checkout friction for the online buyers and puts them in control of the whole process.

The new two-step checkout process helps reduce the amount of time it takes to checkout, ultimately increasing conversion and reducing cart abandonment rate.