With more and more people relying on web-shops for shopping, site search is an increasingly important feature of almost every online shopping store. Premium Magento extensions for easy search act as a highly useful tool to help customers get exactly what they want. If your search functionality is not working correctly, it can deter your clients from buying through your site out of frustration. 

Over 95% of USA shoppers claimed to leave a retail site if they receive bad search result.

The research also revealed that a fifth of USA online shoppers don’t find search results satisfying on the online shopping websites, which could mean a potentially huge loss in customers. Below are the main frustrations that almost every online shopper feels with poor search functions.

No Right Products Found

Following the poor search function on a shopping site, over 22% users need to try a different search term or look through the categories, which results in time-consumption. Their desired products are already there, but are incorrectly labelled for search, but with search functionality restrictions that also adds to the problem.

Irrelevant Search Results

Over 31% shoppers experienced irrelevant search results while looking for something on the websites.  A Magento module makes it easier for the online buyers to find what they are looking for, and not the other way around.

Not Recognizing Popular Search Terms

A buyer is not a copywriter or a product manufacturer, hence they think differently when searching products online. This difference in mentality translates into a problem for 19% of people when it comes to search. An easier way to handle the problem is to look into the search data to determine and the language that people are using while searching products and make it an easier task. Magento autocomplete extension makes it even easier for buyers to use the most suitable search terminology.

Slow Loading Results

Just the way consumers never wait for the website to load, they don’t want to wait as search result displays on a shopping website. Today, because technology is faster than ever before and people using 4G internet connections, buyers expect web pages to load quickly, and are likely to run out of patience if your results take too long to appear. The issue is faced by over 9% of people when using site search.

Poor Search Interface

When it comes to online shopping business, usability is more important and you can’t even think of forgetting it when it comes to the search function. According to 15% of online shoppers, a confusing functionality can deter users from shopping on your website. Also make sure to avoid lack of options to filter down a search.

 Lack of Product Images

A lack of product images on search results encourage over 4% of people to go elsewhere with their online shopping. It helps consumers to identify the products they are searching for. Also, product images are helpful for letting people make quick decision as they can simply scan images through a big batch of search results.


When looking for a search extension for Magento, make sure to get one with responsive design as more and more consumers are using mobile devices to shop on the go. Nearly 34% of people surveyed said the mobile search results were pathetic and they would visit a website with better mobile compatibility. So, keep in mind these shoppers too when you’re designing and developing a Magento store.