In online shopping business, building trust with buyers is the most important thing. With so much competition on the web, small and medium businesses might find it difficult to get their name out there are as a trustworthy brand. Integrating premium Magento extensions, installing eye-catching themes and running an innovative SEO campaign can help bring visitors, but what about the trust that online shoppers needs?


Reviews play a wide role in helping you to develop a positive image. Researchers claim that 90% online shoppers make their choice to purchase products after going through review. Positive or negative, reviews are always welcomed by shoppers.

The prominence of reviews in search

Recently, Google has made some changes to how reviews appear in search results. According to the previous updates, only Google reviews would appear in the knowledge graph and the third-party review sites would be listed as less prominent in the standard search results.

But, Google now takes reviews quite seriously and now even third-party reviews are displayed in the knowledge graph, meaning all the reviews for your business are more important than ever.

Get good reviews & avoid spam

For ever only shopping business, achieving positive reviews from consumers is the best marketing strategy. Send emails to those who have recently purchased something from your website and ask them to place their valuable reviews at your website. This eliminates the possibility of spammy or fake reviews.

When migrating from one platform to another, make sure you take all your reviews to the new address with Magento modules.

Deal with negative reviews positively

For every 100 products you sell on the eCommerce store, you are likely to have 10 unhappy consumers. The reason is not always that the product is worthless, but it may be late product delivery or any other reason, but the result will be a negative review at your website. The key to deal with negative reviews is to enforce disaster management.

Make sure you apologize in public for negative reviews to let customers know that all opinions are taken on board. Before you start writing a response to the negative reviews, first understand the situation. If there is something that can be done to prevent the complaint, then you should take on board the constructive criticism.

Where to display reviews

The decision depends solely on how your website is designed and structured. There may be many areas where you can display your reviews. It is always better to show recent reviews along with the product description and allow buyers to take a look at all of them with a single click. 85% of consumers are influenced by the reviews they read online.

Sharing Your Reviews

So, now that your customers have left reviews on your website. If they’re happy with the products you sold, it’s always a good idea to promote it via your social media. Sharing your reviews on social media not only shows your potential customers that you value their opinions, but also this helps to improve your search engine ranking.

When someone shares something on social media, over 273 people will see it. They all are your potential customers and can turn to be buyers if they’re satisfied with the positive reviews left by your buyers.

To conclude, I would like to mention that online reviews are great way to improve your business image and get a positive presence on the virtual world. If you’re planning to upgrade your platform, then consider taking these reviews with you using premium Magento extensions as reviews are your best assets.