If you plan to start an ecommerce business online only incorporating Magento ecommerce module isn’t important, having a strategic idea is vital. The initial step while writing an e-business plan is to decide what experience you want your online customers to have.  Don’t just think about the present but also 2-3 years down the road. 

Step 1: Your ecommerce strategy should start with the website goal. Analyse who is your target audience? What is their requirement? Are they getting relevant information as how to buy products at your ecommerce site? Have you embedded the best Magento extensions in your website? These key questions if asked and answered early will clearly determine how much time and money is needed to create and maintain an online presence.

Step 2: Secondly, decide what products and services to offer. Are you able to position and display them? Do you offer online and offline purchasing? Are you able to handle shipping and returns? Additionally, never overlook customer need to reach live audience. Make sure you display a prominent toll-free number that customer can call anytime to get their queries cleared. In addition, provide them with a mobile app for online shopping.

If you plan to sell online products and services, you need a shopping cart component, a delightful android mobile app which handles credit card processing and organizes order fulfilment process. Finally, if you have built an amazing website, don’t assume people will find you on their own. If you wish to develop constant traffic flow, it is important to maintain an ongoing promotional strategy that eventually targets the audience.

How does the process work?

Initial step: Once you decided to own a website, make a list of possible URLs. Type in domain registration and you will find a list of companies namely godaddy.com, bigrock.com, register.com that will further guide you to the simple domain registration process.

Naming: From the available names, chose the one which is easy to remember and describes what your company does. Ensure, you aren’t copying someone else’s trademark. Once the domain name is registered, plan offerings for your customers, the next major challenge Includes building the website and online presence.

Creating a responsive website

What makes a great website? Write a site outline before indulging into the design details. The content published should relate to your services and help you achieve the goals and objective set. 

Structure: Decide the number of pages, their linkage to one another and the group of best Magento extensions. Select appropriate graphic and icons that help enhance the content.

Design: With the content in place, website design comes next. Solely concentrate on simplicity, consistency and readability. Also, focus on accomplishment.

Navigation: Make browsing a delightful experience for the customers and try not leaving visitors at a dead end.

Credibility: Don’t let this issue be lost in bells and whistles while establishing a website. Your website should be able to reach out to every visitor, making that person aware as to why he should buy from your store. Website ought to be very professional, giving customers a presentable feel. Remind potential customers that you not only exist on the web but your company is available in the real world too. Mention company’s name, complete address, contact number, email id on the website page.


An initial outline helps you get most out of the ecommerce website budget. It will also clarify whether you require a professional or not to design portions of the website. In that way, if you hire someone, it will only part of the job which is needed to be outsourced.