It’s certainly not a breaking news that Magento has launched its newer and advanced version – Magento2. However, the matter here is that only a small percentage of the businesses have taken the step of Magento2 upgrade. Those, still using the previous version of Magento, may be wondering of enjoying great benefits while being with the version they find more suitable, but the thing is that the latest version is more advanced, faster, easy-to-use, and most importantly it is the advanced version of Magento.


Considering Magento 2 upgrade can unlock new value in your website, allowing you to cope up with the latest technology and we bring to you the top three signs that it is time to make the switch:

You Have Plans to Integrate New Features

Leveraging extensions to integrated specific features on the eCommerce websites is a long tradition within the Magento ecosystem. Today, online store owners have a great range of pre-build extensions that add to what the platform can accomplish. But, with the newer version, you can gain an edge through the latest Magento2 extensions that meet specific company or customer needs and most importantly are made to deliver the better experience to the online shoppers. Magento2 creates a stronger development environment for organizations working on Magento development projects.

Experts claim that the Magento2 features a much more modern, robust feature set when compared to Magento 1. It may take some time for the businesses to acclimate with the new setup, but once done, you will be left with a more powerful, intuitive setup with greater ease.

If you want to integrate something unique and want to partner with a professional Magento2 extension development company, you have options to go with the leading brands to take advantage of better developer tools.

You Need Simplified Backend

Handling Magento backend meant dealing with interfaces and controls that are built for legacy usage needs. However, the newer version of Magento features a variety of new capabilities to improve user experiences with optimized and user-friendly backend management.

Here are some of the features:

  • Visual merchandising interfaces – This allows store owners to use the drag and drop feature to upload products in the interface. Also, it lets you create parameters that will automatically order products relative to their attributes.
  • Dynamic customer segmentation – It helps create personal shopping experience through a combination of responsive, flexible content display strategies.
  • Elasticsearch functionalities – This is aimed at creating a much easier search functionality within a website. This allows store owners to enjoy great features like misspellings identification and support 33 languages by default.

You Need a Platform with Endless Limits

With the Magento2 available for the global users, Magento is now being outdated and according to the experts, it is better to go with the latest version as using Magento1 is going to be more unsafe than ever before as no security patches or solutions to issues will be launched by the Magento community. And because your eCommerce business is going to grow in the future, you would need a platform that comes with no limits.

The limitations in the Magento 1.0 platform may prevent your business from scaling, redesigning or adding new features easily. Dealing with an ill-fitting web setup causes more problems.

Also, because the global development companies are offering latest solutions to integrate unique features with the help of Magento2 extensions, it is better to go advanced with the upgraded version of Magento that is prepared for the growing businesses who aspire to keep growing.