Have you ever found it difficult to create a new account on different website from where you want to purchase products? It’s indeed time-consuming and a tiresome process. You must feel bothered with how complicated may be creating a unique account just to purchase products from different websites. Social Login is the solution here as you need not to remember login sign-in information, but simply use your existing credentials of social media account.

According to researchers, 86% of customers confirmed being annoyed by the unwanted information tabs and tiresome process to create a new account at online shopping websites. The buyers claimed that they would rather change their behavior such as leaving the page or simply move to other website it possible.

Out of the total candidates, 88 % reported of submitting wrong information just to complete the process faster. 90% admitted to forget their login sign-in information and left the page than spending more time on recovering their accounts. Accepting social login as a better option in comparison to creating account on websites, 77% said social login should be offered.

Our Magento Social Login Extension brings a wonderful means of stimulating communication on the Internet. This option is widely used across multiple websites nowadays. This extension gives visitors a reason to visit your store again as they get a faster and seamless experience at the checkout process. With social login option at your Magento store, visitors can easily login in a website by using their existing Facebook, Gmail, Twitter or other social accounts.

Here are some benefits driving social login popular among the online buyers:

Easy Sign In

Sometimes, it’s not a good option to force visitors to create a new account when they don’t have enough time and patience to fill into a long and complicated form. Signing into your Magento store is a matter of just a few clicks with Social Login, which makes the process very quick and convenient. This gives the store visitors a choice to use their existing social credentials to log in on your online store. Furthermore, Magento Social Login Extension also saves customers’ social account details and make customers happier as they save more time to access your website.

Accurate Data

Some users will use false information when signing up to your website. They are more likely to skip some fields that are not mandatory and also may use nickname instead of their real name or email that are not working. On the other hands, they have all accurate information on their social media accounts.

Attract New & Existing Customers

Visitors would not only like to re-visit a website that offers easy login, but also place order easily. This feature incentivizes repeat visitors to your Magento site. Another benefit that social login feature brings is the option to share their browsing experience with their friends. It helps store owners to promote their brand and engage the website with more new users. With Social Login feature at your store, customers need not to worry about forgetting their credentials when signing in your store.

Friendly Engage User

There’s a reason Social Login is becoming a part of almost every online shopping website – User engagement. The greatest advantage here is that you don’t need to struggle to engage your visitors. This will bring their personal details with just a single click through data sources from the social network. Visitors spend more time on your shopping website because this feature makes it more engaging.

Magento Social Login Extension helps simplify the login, registration and purchasing process by allowing them to access your store without undergoing the time-consuming process.