Launching an eCommerce website is the culmination of a lot of work put in by you, your development partner and the staff. After launching the website, investing time in Magento SEO, editing content and populating inventory online you may be tempted to sit back with a refreshing beverage and think ‘Phew’ it’s finally over.

But – it’s just the beginning!

With the launch of your website, you just complete a single step towards the online business. Running an online business is a process of continuous investment and you need to constantly measure website performance to ensure more revenue by discovering where you are losing sales and how the condition can be handled. There are many areas you should be looking at to keep the website up to date.

Keep Content Fresh

Everyone loves to read the latest news about hot topics around the world. You should keep news and product releases up to date to engage visitors with the latest happening. Launching a discount offer? Put that on website. Got a new member in Team? Put that on website.

Fresh content is the key to ensure returning visitors and keep the website look engaging.

  • Update product descriptions as changes are good for SEO.
  • Keep news up to date to show visitors that you are busy.
  • Launch press releases regarding latest happening.
  • Old, out of date or incorrect content loses customers.

Beat Your Competition

Regularly updating your website also gives you the edge over the competition. You may have spent thousands on your amazing website and you want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, but it won’t be longer before your competitors improve themselves. So, why not to take the charge and get in touch with your Magento developer to discuss some new changes?

Keeping on top of design changes, performance, social media and analytics are crucial to beating off your rivals.

Online buyers are always looking for changes. After the design and price, it’s the design and user-experience that become major factors in choosing which website to buy from.

Security is Imnportat

While keeping the website is important to engage more visitors, but it’s also important from technical point of view as well. Online buyers are always looking for the safer websites to shop from and an unpatched security vulnerability can lead to your website being hacked and crucial data may be stolen.

You should keep an eye on the latest Magento security patch releases and immediately use them on your store.

The main reasons why security updates needed are:

  • Better security
  • More reliability
  • More sales

Search Engines

We all know that no business can succeed without having better ranking on the search engines and keeping your website update is for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search engine bots are regularly crawling your website and web pages for the updates that determine your ranking on their result pages. Because the top search engines are regularly updating their algorithms, making pace with the changes is key to success.

For example, Google recently announced to hit the website without responsive design and hence it is great to get ask the development team to use responsive themes.

Design is Key

The look and feel of your website is the most important factor that affects your sales. An outdated website with poor quality logo design and appearance that is old and outdated is likely to encourage visitors to jump to competitors. Your brand matters to you and your website should reflect this in its design.

Just like the technology, design has evolved too. From the basic web pages to highly engaging websites, design has touched the highest peaks of success. If you are using the same old website design, then it’s the time that you re-design your website as change is always better. Try using some Premium Magento Extensions to add more charm to the design and user experience.