How does it sounds to know that you can significantly improve the sales and attract more visitors with just a few changes in the design? I know it sounds great, and it’s actually possible to achieve target sales simply by considering to redesign Magento website

Full Redesign

This might seem easier and more appealing when it comes to attract more visitors to your store. Full Magento website design strategy is considered a better choice when you believe that new modern design will attract more customers. You look for a professional Magento designer agency with multiple fancy designs in their portfolio. It might take weeks or months for planning, wireframing, sketching, designing and development, until the next big redesign.

Launching a new design is a great deal, but it comes with some common pitfalls

You don’t know how your users are going to reach to new design!

Remember that changes are good, but not every loyal customer is going to like them. Customers are loyal to your brand because they like things just the way they are. Visitors spend great time in understanding your website and if you change it drastically, they will be in the same position as new users.

While some might adopt the change, but most of them are likely to drop the idea to visit your store again.

Another negative impact of redesigning your website is a risk of losing SEO rankings and domain authority. One single mistake can drop your SEO ranking drastically and drop traffic and revenue.

The worst part here is that you would have to spend thousands of dollars because the site is going to rebuild from scratch. Designers will throw away the previous design and create the new one again.

Now, that we know that redesigning eCommerce can be a risky decision, but there’s always room for design improvements. All you have to do is to strike that balance between ambition for design improvements and users’ desire to stick with familiar user interface.

Incremental Design Changes

According to dictionary, incremental work means measurable, regular movements that are usually small. This is a cost-effective and smart redesign strategy where changes are smaller and new ideas are presented gradually. In contrast to full design, incremental Magento design is streamlined process that involves improvements that are based on data driven decisions.

It minimizes the risk involved in complete website design by changing only elements that improve results.

Wondering how to identify the elements that should be changed to improve results? A/B test can help.

A/B Testing

This is just like a survey with real users that helps making final decision easy to make as you know that every change produces positive results.

How Incremental Design Works?

Know what to test

Analytics can help identify specific feature or page that doesn’t seem to be driving sufficient conversions.

Design B version of selected element and measure results

Results of analytics can help identify areas that need improvement and then you need to design B version of the selected element. Now test the B version and compare results with previous one using tools available on internet. See which version produces better conversion rate.

Choose Winner & Implement it

Compare the results and you’ll get the winner. It can make it easier to decide to change that element for better conversions.

Repeat all steps for different element

 Incremental or full design changes?

As far as the security of loyal customers and brand reputation is concerned, incremental redesign strategy is more efficient as this helps maximize ROI and improves your web store continually.

If there’s a reason available, it’s completely fine to consider full Magento website design from the ground up.